CMF Media & Technology Co. Ltd is a professional company specializing in the research, manufacture and sales of film lighting equipment and camera accessories. CMF focuses on providing outstanding products and quality service to support our customers to solve solutions. Most of our products are exported abroad and welcomed worldwide with their excellent performance.
Our Products:
Arri style M series: M8, M18, M40, M90, M18K
HMI Compact: 200W, 575W, 1.2KW, 2.5KW, 4KW, 6KW, 12KW
HMI Ballast(Flicker Free, high speed 1000Hz): 200W, 800/1200/1800W, 575/1200/1800W, 2.5/4KW, 6KW, 4/6KW, 6/9KW, 6/12KW, 12/18KW
Fresnel Tungsten: 150W, 300W, 650W, 1KW, 2KW, 5KW, 10KW
Soft Light: 800W redhead, 2KW blonde
Kinoflo style bank lighting: 2bank, 4bank, 8bank, 10bank
Space Light: 2.4KW, 4.8KW, 3KW, 6KW
Dino Light: 9KW, 12KW, 24KW,
LED: LED panel, fill light
Lattern Light: 1KW, 2KW, 5KW, 1.2KW, 2.5/4KW
Kupo Stand: C stand, etc
Hand dimmer: 2KW, 5KW,12KW, 24KW
Matte Box, Follow Focus, Fluid Head, Tripod, etc. All the equipments are mostly used for heavy cameras , such as RED, Arri,
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